
Preview of the batch-rename-dart project


A CLI tool to enable batch renaming of files.

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batch-rename.exe substring [new_string] [-h] [-n] [-r]

positional arguments:
   substring   Substring to strip or replace out of every file in path.
   new_string  String to replace for every matching substring. Defaults to an empty string.

optional arguments:
   -h, --help  show this help message and exit.
   -n          Rename all files to substring and number them accordingly.
   -r          Batch rename recursively in subdirectories.


  1. Output a standard set from favicon.png:

    batch_rename favicon.png 
  2. Output the standard, Apple and Windows 10 sets from logo.jpg:

    batch_rename logo.jpg -a -w
  3. Strip all brackets and their content:

    batch_rename "\[.+\]"