
Preview of the icon_set_generator project


Simple CLI tool to enable easy production of icon sets for your next application.

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icon_set_generator image.extension [-e] [-o] [-s] [-a] [-w] [-h]

-e, --extension    option: Extension to convert the set to.
-o, --output       option: Output directory.
-s, --set          option: Custom set of sizes
-a, --apple        flag: Generate icon sets for Apple apps.
-w, --windows10    flag: Generate icon sets for Windows 10 apps.
-h, --help         flag: Shows the CLI usage.


  1. Output a standard set from favicon.png:

    icon_set_generator favicon.png 
  2. Output the standard, Apple and Windows 10 sets from logo.jpg:

    icon_set_generator logo.jpg -a -w
  3. Output a custom size set from image.gif to the samples folder in ICO format:

    icon_set_generator image.gif -o samples --set "[10, 20, 30]" -e ico